Sunday, March 16, 2014

White Power 2: More Whiter

White History Month. It's a thing brought up every February (i.e. Black History Month) by white people who question why they themselves don't have a special month.

By the technicalities of this thing we call "equality" we should all have a history month.

"But Kyle, that's socialist!" Shut up, Generic Republican 1. You like throwing that term around almost as much as you like throwing your nuclear-fueled dicks of death around.

"Coming" for you.

As I was saying, in a completely equal society, I'd think there'd be a White History Month. Or at the least the chance to have a White History Month. Ya know, we try it one year and if it doesn't work, we drop the idea. Something like that, right?

My bullshit meter is going off.
I know that joke doesn't make much sense, I just wanted to use it.

You best check your privilege now because I'm about to drop some heavy stuff on you.

As my man TayTay(she's a female by the way. What, females can't be men? Check your privilege.) has pointed out to me numerous times, including just now, before:

Yes, I used pink. I like the color.

So that's what this "equality" thing boils down to; either we give everyone a month (something that's highly improbable) or give give no one a month (much easier!). Now, I'm sure someone is going to bitch about it, but everyone has to make sacrifices, right? Right. Let's get on with the rest of this thing, shall we?

In my humble, but correct, opinion, there doesn't need to be a white history month.

"But Kyle," you as Angry White Hipster 1 (who's actually learned to work with Generic Republican 1; aren't I magical like that?) begin to angrily text on your white iPhone, "if blacks and Mexicans have their own months, why can't white people?" To which I say you, sir and/or madam, need to look a little more closely at history because...

And here's a few other people to boot.

Also this guy, but he's just really cool.

Don't you get it, white people?

Every other month is white history month. 

You may not be conscience of it, but most history taught today (or at least in 'Murrica) is white history - for white people, by white people. Now now, I know you're getting ready to contradict me, but let's just cover some things that our history books commonly cover:

Think fast: why are there any other history months any way?

Because the white man said there could be. True, things like black history week and even the early idea we know as black history month were all initiated by blacks, but it was a white guy who had the final say. Sure, that might just be me fabricating details to make a point (when isn't it?) but it sounds a lot more menacing, doesn't it?

Not only that, but white people pretty much conquered the world. Can't we handle a little flak, white folks, for the kind of accomplishment? I mean, it may not something to be entirely proud of, but it's still there. If black people can take pride in a woman who created hair-care products, why can't I be proud of my race ruling everything?

Wow. I sound like an old racist now.

"We're proud of you, Kyle!"

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