Monday, October 7, 2013

Mean is Good

This will probably be more of a mini-rant, but it's just something I have to throw out the eye before I have to hut my head against the wall thinking  about it. What is it,  you ask? Well,  if you read the title of the post, you'd know. Of course, now you're going back to read it. I'll wait.

Done? Good. Now,  if you didn't get it,  let me explain: there is nothing wrong with being mean. Nothing. Really, the language is too subjective to decide what is and what isn't mean,  but I know someone will argue with me about how I should respect everyone no matter what while disregarding  my own thoughts and opinions.

Honestly, I'm so tired of this that I don't think I could even bring myself to try  and explain. The scary thing is,  I now sympathize with conservatives some (and we all know how I feel about those people). There is no longer the end chance to express a dissenting opinion without  being labeled as something intolerant. Isn't it intolerant to label someone as intolerant? Kinda weird when you think about  it.

Going off of that, how can someone else's opinion be quantified as lore important than mine? It can't really, and personal bias with always make opinion more important to me.

"But Kyle," you begin angrily protesting,  "you can't just be mean. The at hurts people's feelings." On the surface,  try at seems like a good argument, but thinking about it,  it's really not. Couldn't the argument then be made that it hurts my feelings to not be mean? Of course,  most people won't find that acceptable, but at this point I don't really care.

This leads me to one conclusion: to stop caring what everybody - and I do mean everybody - thinks. It'll be tough (what with the biological need to conform and all that) but I can't see any other choice. Of course,  that doesn't mean I'm going to be a giant douche to everyone,  but I doubt anyone bothered to read this last sentence.

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